viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

"La lucecita de nuestro ego..."

Viajaba en autobus... de noche...

Una vez abordada la unidad, el chofer apago todas las luces, excepto una: la mía... (¿?)
Siempre me gusta sentarme en ventana para poder ir viendo el paisaje pero ésta vez no pude ver nada más que mi propio reflejo... La luz estaba descompuesta... No apagaba, no tenía opción más que ver mi propio reflejo si es que quería mirar por la ventana..

Además, la luz eventualmente se convirtió en algo molesto...

Ésa lucecita (tan castrosa) bien podría llamarse EGO, nuestro ego...

Aquello que no nos permite ver nada más allá que nosotros mismos.

En algunos casos basta con apagarlo con un botón.. pero cuando está descompuesto, tal como la luz, haría falta literalmente golpearlo una y otra vez para lograr que se apagara.

De otra manera jamás seremos capaces de ver más allá, pensaremos que el mundo y el paisaje... somos nosotros mismos...


saludos raza..


jueves, 3 de enero de 2013


So I might be leaving this again... 
My home, my bed, my school, my city, my routine, and my friends and parents are going to miss me once more..

Am I sad? No!! Why would I?? I´m SO ready to go. 
Washington DC is the capital city of the most influent country in the world.. And I have the opportunity to live and work there for a whole semester!!

Well, to be honest, I cant tell you nothing about Washington or my experience yet...
But I can tell you about me getting ready for it:

I earned this opportunity by preparing a project to improve my country´s education. The main idea is that before u had to choose between being an administrative, technical or artistic professional. Nowadays you need to develop those three aspects to be really competitive, and if plus that you are an ethical and healthy person then you are what Mexico is looking for: an INTEGRAL PROFESSIONAL.

So my goal is to find a way to encourage universities and educative organizations to provide this kind of formation. It is not my excuse to go to Washington DC, it is my dream!! I strongly believe in this idea and the great impact it could have in my state and country.

Also I will have the opportunity to work for an organization related to it in Washington DC. And I can say I am ready to do my best effort in my daily tasks as I always do, and to learn as much as possible of my coworkers and leaders in the organization.

Besides I am looking forward to know the city, the museums, the history behind each brick and the whole events I am going to be able to assist.

So generally speaking, I think I am ready…
Except for one thing I haven’t done yet: PACKING...

And when I say “packing” I am not referring only to my clothes and personal stuff, NO, not only that.. I am referring to my willing to do the best possible at each opportunity, to my ability to adapt to and discover a whole new culture, to help others to believe and work for a better world, to my past experiences that will help me to take better decisions and to not commit the same mistakes again… I am referring, in just one word.. to my HEART…

That’s right guys.. I am packing my heart to come with me to this new adventure..


And for you those who already live there (my heart) don’t worry… no matter what place in the world you are or I am… 

You are coming too!!
